Supporting Urogynecological Education, Research and Care around the World
FIUGA was founded and incorporated in 2013 in the United States as an independent tax-exempt charitable organization commissioned to support the charitable and academic activities of the International Urogynecological Association.
Our Vision
A world where all women are free from pelvic floor problems.
Our Mission
To improve the quality of life of women with pelvic floor problems by promoting research and education of their care providers.
Foundation Projects

The Nepal Project
With its newest project in Nepal, FIUGA will train local pelvic surgeons in the management of urogynecologic problems such as genital prolapse and urinary incontinence.

The Ghana Project
The foundation is pleased to have as its first project, sponsorship of the first postgraduate training program in urogynecology in Africa. View information about the project and to investigate the possibility of becoming involved.
IUGA Programs Supported by FIUGA (Read Program Description if not showing up)

Research Grants
Basic Science and Clinical Research Grants are designed to fund original research by an IUGA member or trainee. (I added a display:none to hide this section class .iugaprograms. Find it in theme/assets/css/fiuga.min.css)

Observership grants are meant to offset costs of visiting an approved host site which has proven expertise for a specific specialty clinical or research.

International Fellowship
FIUGA-sponsored fellowships allow for increased dissemination of urogynecological knowledge by funding travel and living expenses for a trainee to visit a renowned Urogynecology Center for additional training and complete a research study.

IUGA eXchange Program
FIUGA supports the eXchange Programs conducted by IUGA to promote the international exchange of knowledge and skills in urogynecology and reconstructive pelvic surgery (URPS), distribute the guidelines for training in URPS and improve identification of important female pelvic health issues in host-countries where urogynecology is not yet well established.
Join In

Donate To A Great Cause!
The Foundation for International Urogynecological Assistance (FIUGA) is a registered charity in the U.S. dedicated to stimulating urogynecological development around the world. Your donation will support educational programs for urogynecological professionals, help educate the general public and patients about pelvic floor health, fund research for treatment of pelvic floor conditions, and provide scholarships to advance research and practice. The first major project of the FIUGA is to assist with the establishment of a fellowship program and Center of Excellence in Urogynecology in Accra, Ghana which will provide treatment and care to patients who otherwise wouldn’t have access to it. Donations are tax deductible in the U.S.

Annual Fun Walk/Run
Join us at our FIUGA Fun Walk/Run on June 20, 2024, at the IUGA Annual Meeting in Singapore to support Pelvic Floor Disorders education and research.

What originated as a day to do good has become a global movement that inspires generosity.

Honor Your Mentor
FIUGA is deeply rooted in the concept of mentorship and is pleased to offer an Honor Your Mentor program. This program allows IUGA members the opportunity to recognize mentors who have shaped their careers, while also supporting and fostering the mission of FIUGA.
There are several ways that you can show your appreciation:
Tax Deductible Contribution of $250
- Each Mentor will receive a letter on FIUGA letterhead reflecting the recognition (including names of persons who donated).
Tax Deductible Contribution of $500
- Each Mentor will receive a letter on FIUGA letterhead reflecting the recognition (including. names of persons who donated). A certificate will be sent to the Mentor.
Tax Deductible Contribution of $750
- Each Mentor will receive a letter on FIUGA letterhead reflecting the recognition (including names of persons who donated). A certificate will be sent to the Mentor. A plaque will be presented to the Mentor at the Award Ceremony during the IUGA Annual Meeting.

Help educate residents and fellows in Dharan, Nepal in urogynecology and reconstructive pelvic surgery. If you are interested in volunteering for an on-site rotation in Nepal, or participating in a remote lecture series, contact
Contact Us
For more information, contact us at: